Beautiful Music For Ugly Children By Kirstin Cronn-Mills

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I’m a guy. A scared guy, though I try not to show it, and a guy with a long freaking road ahead of him, But still. Just a guy. Beautiful Music for Ugly children by Kirstin Cronn-Mills is about Gabe, a transgender youth who is struggling to find the right path. (Thesis) Throughout the novel Cronn-Mills demonstrates how fear affects the way you see yourself, the world, and you're friends and family. Gabe received threats and had people assault him because he was transgender, and he started to think he should stop the transition. “Jason starts to laugh. ‘You're pathetic, you know that? We used to like your show.” Scream doesn't say anything . They get in their car and peel out. I start to breath again.” (Page. 129) This quotation proves that …show more content…

He let her take advantage of him, and ruin his reputation as Gabe when he finally broke away from Liz. ¨Nobody here knows either of us. There was no shouting involved, and nobody made a scene. Just a conversation between two people. Then it occurs to me: Mara will out me to the Ugly Children Brigade.” (Page 126) When Gabe finally had things the way he wanted them, his life had another turn and he didn't know how to face it. Instead of posting back on the facebook page, he let it go and watched as people posted things about how gross he was and read all the threats he received. At the party arranged by the UCB, Gabe let his guard down because he was enjoying his night, the the two masked men came. “Jason stops the guy with a raised hand. ‘We’re just here to talk.’ ‘With a baseball bat? Just go and nobody gets hurt’. Keep the Peace Guy is serious. Nobody else in the crowd has moved a muscle.” (Page 226)Gabe relaxed at the party when he usually is very keen on keeping himself and his friends around him safe. He had a good time, but that made him vulnerable when Jason and Scream came to the party. If he had been aware, the severity of the incident would have been very low. Gabe was scared that his parents would never accept him. And that he would always be Liz in their eyes. “Hey Liz, I know I’m a bit late on this, but what do you think I should make mom for Mother's Day?’ I ignore the fact that he didn’t call me Gabe. Even though his parents calling him Liz upsets him, he didn’t give up hope. He stayed persistent, and strong. At some points he let himself be vulnerable to them, but overcame that with determination to be known by his parents as Gabe. Some people didn't understand that he was Gabe, either because it didn't make sense or they didn't accept the fact that he was transgender, but Gabe put himself out there, and let people know how he wanted to known even though it was a big risk and it felt

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