Creating And Perfecting Your Paper

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There are many parts to creating and perfecting your research paper but the most important is picking your topic. Your topic is the fundamental basis of what your paper is and also what it can be, depending on your supporting evidence. You do not want to be stuck with a boring topic because that will carry over into your paper and also your reader! You need to choose a very interesting topic for your paper so that you can build the correct foundation around it which will, in the end, support and flow your ideas and arguments into your readers mind.
Are research papers easily written? Usually, research papers are lengthy and full of boring facts which make it hard for the reader to become interested in them. You must have a cause for the essay and also a plan of attack to infiltrate the reader’s attention. A simple way to start off your paper is to use a rhetorical …show more content…

This is going to be where you begin introducing your facts and supporting arguments to win over your readers. You may not have known this but 83 percent of college students still write research papers in a way that does not engage the reader. Is this true? No; but using appalling statistics like the one used above can inflict a surprised reaction which would make the reader more curious of your essay. This brings me to my next topic: facts. Research papers are created based off of an interest you had and an obligation you had to make it. Obviously there are interesting parts to your topic so you have to make those parts gleam. People are more interested when they are introduced to new information meaning the big idea here is using the research you have conducted in your paper. Researching your topic will help by giving you ideas on what to write about and also give you trustworthy sources to use to solidify your already strong

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