Create Dangerously By Edwidge Danticat Summary

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To be artistic or a creative is a dangerous role to play in society. Edwidge Danticat writes a collective of stories about Haitian artists in her novel “Create Dangerously”. The novel includes Danticats perspective and excerpts of other artists to appeal to both ethos and pathos to help explain the importance of the artist, especially the immigrant artist. Danticat writes about the responsibility of artists to use their medium as a voice for the people. In Create Dangerously Danticat makes it her responsibility to tell the stories of makes it her duty to tell the stories of another artist that created dangerously. In chapter 5 Edwidge Danticat speaks about filming a Haitian woman, Alèrte Belance, who was a victim and was almost killed by the …show more content…

During the 1960s dictatorship of Papa Doc in Haiti. The significance of this including this story shows how artists have the power to change and influence the way the world thinks. Marcel Numa and Louis Drouin were executed publically in the city of poets served as a fear tactic to silence artists because Papa Doc, as well as other dictators, understand the power of artistic voices. Artists use their talents expose what goes on in the world. Danticat mentions how “every time there was a political murder in Bel Air, one of the young aspiring intellectuals in the neighborhood…. [would] say that someone should put on a play. (Chapter 1, Create Dangerously)” which further explains the importance of artist. Not only are artists responsible to be the voices of generations they are also responsible for distracting people from the hardships of life. Through art people can forget for a few moments about the dangers and injustices of the world. “…no matter how hard he tried, Papa Doc Douvalier could not make their words go away. (Chapter 1, Create Dangerously) sums up how despite artists risk their lives to provide both a voice and a pastime to the

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