Court System Research Paper

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An American Court System have 3 tiers in the Judiciary at the top tier it is supreme court, next it is the federal appeals courts also known as the circuit court, and federal district courts also called trial courts.
In the state of Wisconsin Judges are chosen in nonpartisan elections. Elections are chosen in the spring held in April of the starting year and the judges start the August. One Supreme Court justice and one court of appeals judge in each district can be elected in a given year. At the end of each term they must run for re-election to keep his or her seat. There are 7 Supreme Court judges and their term last 10 years. Appeals judges are in office for 6 years and there are 16 judges under that branch. Along with the circuit courts term is 6 years with 241 judges are elected.
Nonpartisan also known as No-Party democracy is a periodic election that happens without the person being in a political party. No party democracy is categorized as a 2-tier election. As for 1-tier or single-party government requires government officials to be a member of a party. To serve as an appellate or circuit court judge you must be a qualified elector of his or her …show more content…

While on the other hand once appointed for state supreme judges and two state courts participate in retention elections. Retention elections are a period of time when they can either be re-elected or removed because of unpopular rulings made from prior cases. Tennessee is one of the most solidly republican states but was once a political battle field for politicians. There is a variation of ways elections are held, and Tennessee holds partisan elections. This election allows them to state their political party next to the name on the ballot. This allows democratic and republicans to compete against each other to represent each party but at the same time represent their self for the

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