Countless Opportunities In America

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America is built on the preconceived premise that all people have the right to work towards happiness. Americans over the years have tried to define what being an American truly means. An American can be defined as one with endless opportunities, pride in their country, and the chance for a future for oneself and their families. Countless opportunities are available to an American. For example, Anzia Yezierska, an immigrant writes, “In the golden land of flowing opportunity I was to find my work that was denied me in the sterile village of my forefathers” (6). Yezierska emphasizes the promise of America that was not given to her in her own prosaic country. Yezierska wrote of a personal opportunity, which to her was finding a good paying job. Personal opportunities often drive …show more content…

For example, Franklin D. Roosevelt writes, “They came to us speaking many tongues-but a single language, the universal language of human aspiration” (3). Roosevelt portrays that Americans come from all over the world; however being an American is about working towards a better and brighter future. Many immigrants came to America for a better future that consists of an education, a career, and/or an asylum for themselves and their families. The image, taken by Frank Leslie is iconic because it shows immigrants coming into New York City, and shows a light coming from behind the Statue of Liberty. Also, the image captures a greater meaning of a bright future in America. The immigrants are leaving the darkness, and heading towards the light, being an American allows people to dream of better lives and work towards those dreams. Over the years, more and more resources have been given to Americans to allow them to obtain their dream such as a primary and secondary education for all. While in other countries, there is still little opportunity and poverty. An American is one with the chance for a future for oneself and their

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