Cost Of Health Care Essay

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The world of medicine is constantly changing. The same can be said for the ever-changing costs of health insurance and the effects it has had on the American people. Citizens are paying big money these days for less coverage. Some individuals now have access to better health care due to the Affordable Care Act. On the other hand, some have lost their benefits simply because they are no longer able to afford the premiums. This topic has been an issue of debate since the inception of the Affordable Care Act with parties seemingly unable to find middle ground. Politicians are arguing while citizens are looking for answers. So, what really is the cost of the ever-rising costs of health insurance? The issue of the costs of the health care …show more content…

I also know that the issue hangs in the balance of our elected leaders while citizens and providers sit and wait. We wait and we wait and we wait some more. Meanwhile, my personal health insurance coverage has increased by a little more than 300% per month in the last 24 months with a higher deductible and less coverage. I repeat, 300% increase PER MONTH just for the premium. This does not include the higher copays for office visits and never mind the gargantuan annual deductible. Many of my peers have chosen to forego coverage due to this. American citizens who are electing to decline coverage because of these costs are being penalized by a tax because of that choice. How is it possible to be taxed on something because you can’t afford it? Alternatively, some people are choosing to accept the penalty because it’s more economical for them. So basically, you’re darned if you do and darned if you don’t. There are rumbles in the health care community about physicians and providers no longer wanting to provide care or closing their practices altogether. I personally have experienced this. One of my physicians close her private practice merely because it costs more to keep her office open than what she was being reimbursed for by insurance. Additionally, I have experienced many patients over the recent years that have had to cease having treatment or not receive the full extent of their treatment plan because they can’t afford it. It is

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