Cosmological Argument Essay: The Existence Of God

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Religion has played a huge profound role in Human History; it shapes the way one views his origin, identity, life style, and destiny. Religion offers comfort in sorrow, hope for a future, a way out of death, peace in turmoil, order in chaos, and joy in times of despair. For the universe and all its cosmos to exist, it would have needed something that can bring it to existence, and this thing that can bring it to existence must have been there before the universe existed, and the only logical thing that existed before the universe is God. I believe that God is the ultimate creator and founder of this universe. We are created by God in His image and sustained for living by Him alone. Dr. John MacArthur once said “As vital as it is for us to enlist …show more content…

I always ask myself where did the universe come from? Why everything exists instead of just nothing? Usually atheists have assumed the universe is just eternal, and that's all. However confidently this is irrational. If the universe never had a start this means that the amount of past incidents in the history of the universe is immeasurable. Nevertheless mathematicians acknowledge that the existence of an actually endless number of things leads to self-contradictions. For instance, we can’t subtract infinity from infinity. This indicates that infinity is just an idea in atheist’s mind, not something that exists rationally. We live in a contingent universe, which is a universe that is depending on something outside of itself for existence, this something else constitutes the reason for the existence of the universe, and this could be done only through a first cause or something that caused it, and this could only be found in a creator. Consequently it is indispensable to support the existence of some first cause, which is God.
One of the main things that show that God existence is the complexity of our universe. Our universe is vey complex; it shows intelligent purpose and order. The complexity of our planet and universe points to a deliberate Designer who not only shaped our universe, but also sustains it today. Many philosophers including Plato have explained …show more content…

Many arguments have been presented arguing the reason for creation, existence and humanity and the only answer is to be found in the word God. I believe that God exists and that he is the most powerful. I believe that he holds the universe and he spoke the world into motion and existence, and that he is the source for every thing. I believe that he is omnipotent and that he is the begging and the end. There are many proofs and many arguments that we can use to proof that God exists. I have shared in this paper there of the very common argument that were presented in this class that proofs God ‘s existence from different point of views and different aspects. I also believe that if any one reason right and think they can see God through creation of the universe and through scripture. However when it comes to the possibility of God's existence, the Bible states that there are people who have perceived adequate proofs, yet repress the reality about God. Nevertheless, for those who hunger for the knowledge of God, It is written is scripture, "You will seek me and find me; when you seek me with all your heart, I will be found by you." I believe that every person must look at the evidences about God's existence, and be ready to how him and encounter his presence in one’s

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