Cosmetology Admission Essay

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I began my interest in cosmetology during high-school as I was heavily involved in theatre. Theatre was my escape from the stresses of the world. Putting on stage hair and makeup allowed me to jump into an unfamiliar yet exciting setting and become a different person for a while. My most meaningful friendships have been created through performing arts. Surrounding myself with people who share common interests and ways of thinking really made me feel comfortable and worry free. Theatre has taught me many lessons in life such as the importance of being proud of who I am and to never give up on any hope or dream I may have. So I thought the best way to keep theatre close to my heart is to do makeup and hair for preforming arts. However, I won’t stop there. I am determined to do makeup and hair for fashion shows, modeling agencies, television, and theatre. I think challenging myself and taking in as much knowledge and opportunities as possible is essential when it comes to being successful in my future beyond graduation. I understand that I will have to start from the bottom and work my way up, but I am willing to put all my time and hard work into this field as much as possible in order to achieve my goals. …show more content…

However, I always manage to make time for giving back to the community. I think the best way I dedicate my time to the community is all the sports I’ve been involved in. This involvement has made me a caring and strong induvial, which is what the community needs when it comes to citizens. All my sports have many charity games and funraziers which I was involved in. I’ve helped raise money for cancer, suicide prevention, and multiple sclerosis, along with volunteering for the Humane Society. Aside from sports, my family adopts other families for Thanksgiving and Christmas each year in hopes of bringing joy into the homes of the less

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