Corvus Research Paper

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The constellation I have chosen is Corvus. Meaning crow or raven in Latin, Corvus has been a symbol of deviance and stealth for a long time. Corvus is part of the Hercules constellation. He is also typically depicted with two other constellations, Crater and Hydrus, as this is whom he shares the sky and story with. My choice in this particular constellation is to ease my curiosity as to why the raven or crow is what it is and why, despite being two different birds, they are depicted as the same. Corvus was discovered by Ptolemy, whom also discovered several other constellations in our night sky. Corvus has several stories. The most common includes Corvus, Crater and Hydrus. Corvus, in all stories, is linked to Apollo. Apollo, being a Greek god, was making a sacrifice. One variant says the …show more content…

Another variant says he was holding a feast for Jupiter. Regardless of the variant, the rest of the story is the same. Corvus was sent out with a chalice, now the constellation Crater, to fetch water for Apollo and bring it back. Along the way, Corvus became distracted by a Fig Tree. As the figs were not ripe and he was greedy, he waited 3 days for the figs to ripen. Other variants say that time period was longer. Once the figs were ripe, he feasted on the entire tree. When finished with his distraction, he finally remembered his original task. Having made Apollo wait so long, he quickly fetched the water and returned. Upon his arrival, he told Apollo a false story about a snake blocking the water so that Corvus could not get to it. Some myths confuse this snake as being the one Hercules defeated, but that is from another story. The snake was called a Hydra, which may be what causes the confusion. Unfortunately for Corvus, Apollo using his

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