Coronary Artery Disease Research Paper

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Juliet Anosike
Medical Terminology 178
Ischemic Heart Disease, also known as Coronary Artery Disease, is a condition that affects the supply of blood to the heart. Coronary artery disease may show no signs of symptoms, or chest pain before you know heart attack. The blood vessels are narrowed or blocked due to the deposition of cholesterol on their walls. This reduces the supply of oxygen and nutrients to the heart muscles, which is essential for proper functioning of the heart. This may eventually result in a portion of the heart being suddenly deprived of its blood supply leading to the death of that area of heart tissue, resulting in a heart attack. The cardiovascular issue has been a big problem for people who …show more content…

The procedure
Angioplasty is performed while you are awake, under local anesthetic. It's sometimes uncomfortable, but not usually painful. The surgeon makes a small incision in the groin or arm and inserts a thin tube, called a catheter, into the artery. The catheter includes a small balloon and a small wire tube, called a stent. Once the catheter is in place, a dye is injected and X-rays are taken, which tell the physician exactly where the blockages are and how narrow the artery is. This is also known as an angiogram and functions as a map for the doctor.

Angioplasty: surgical repair or unblocking of a blood vessel, especially a coronary artery. Angioplasty is a technique for reopening narrowed or blocked arteries in the heart (coronary arteries) without major surgery. Treatment also involves advice regarding regular exercise, avoiding smoking, diet control and lifestyle modification. Good control of diabetes and hypertension significantly improves the outlook will surely be great with proper treatment, most patients will be able to lead normal and healthy …show more content…

That is why I chose to write on this aspect of heart disease because it has a lot of risk factors surround it which include hypertension, cigarette smoking, dyslipidemia, diabetes, obesity, physical inactivity, and psychological states (such as depression) that contribute to higher rates of morbidity and mortality. I do have preeclampsia whenever I am pregnant, my third child I had what is called HELLP syndrome after childbirth. Which has a lot to do with high blood pressure? The approach to the management for all risk factors requires partnerships to find the solution to your heart problem among the healthcare team, the patient and family, and the community. The goal of this partnership is to assure an effective exchange of information rating to stages of the heart problem, sharing of concerns, and improved understanding of treatments with the aim of improving quality-of-life and health outcomes, which is what am going through being pregnant again for the fourth time effective patient education and counseling as well as active patient involvement are crucial, I have been praying and getting involved in little exercise to help keep fit and eating healthy as well . Successful clinical management depends on patients' understanding of their condition, their ability to safely adhere to complex medical therapies, and their willingness to communicate on a regular basis with

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