Core Counselor Skills

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There are several core skills required when you are a therapist or counselor. Some of these skills are learned through education and different trainings that are available when trying to become a therapist. Other skills may have been learned throughout a person’s life. Positive Regard, Self-Awareness, Resilience, Mindfulness and Self Care are characteristics of a good counselor that I possess that will enhance me as a counselor. Although there are characteristics that I possess I also know that skills such as patients and being more knowledgeable are skills that I need to develop more in my chosen field of study. One is Self-Disclosure; I have had a hard time in the pass with sharing personal things such as personal experiences or feelings …show more content…

Having a high level of sincerity can help the cultural barrier between the two. Being a counselor there has to be a no judgment attitude regardless of the client’s personal values. An element that enlightening me during reading was how the core skills and attributes are part of four primary stages of helping, these four elements include establishing an effective therapeutic relationship, assessment and goal setting, strategy selection and implementation and evaluation and termination( Book ref). There are several ways to maintain ethical boundaries. These include documentation, practicing in the area of expertise and sticking to the evidence. APA states that the lack of or wrong kind of documentation can be detrimental. Ways that I will maintain ethical boundaries and self- care includes documentation, practicing only where I have expertise and sticking to the evidence are ways that will help me to maintain ethical boundaries. According to ACA the lack of or wrong kind of documentation can be detrimental (APA, 2014). Also when giving an expert opinion or conducting an assessment, the evaluation should be based only on data provided. There are several actions that I can take to aid in self-care these include physical and mental. Examples are eating well, exercising and getting plenty of

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