Coral Reef Ecosystem Essay

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An ecosystem is an identifiable system of interdependent relationships between living organisms and their biophysical environment. Ecosystems exist in a state of dynamic equilibrium. Meaning the ecosystem is constantly evolving while still remaining in a stable state. Coral reef ecosystems are long, narrow masses of coral and other substances the top of which is adjacent to the surface of the sea. Australia’s Great Barrier Reef (GBR) spans from 8°N and 24°S, stretching from the Fly River in Papua New Guinea to the southern Queensland (QLD) coast. The reef the largest living thing on earth, covers an area of 348000 km2 is composed of over 25000 individual reefs and 900 islands. However, the dynamic equilibrium of this complex ecosystem is being affected by both by both natural and human induced stresses which impacts nature, rate of change and functioning of the GBR. Accordingly, humans have introduced a number of strategies to stabilise the dynamic equilibrium of the GBR Climate Change Climate refers specifically to the gradual heating of the earth’s atmosphere as a result of increased carbon dioxide (CO2) levels in the atmosphere. Environment minister Josh Frydenberg claims “Climate change continues to be a Coral reefs can only function within a small temperature range with increased temperature breaking the symbiotic relationship between coral and zoozanthele. Freshwater runoff, a lack of cloud cover and an increase in atmospheric temperature, together have caused a 0.4°C increase in sea temperature since the 1800’s. In addition the GBRMPA reports sea level observations from Townsville show an average rise of 1.2mm/year. Sea levels have been constant in the past 6000 years. Despite reef growth rates supporting a 3mm/year rise, the increasing rate of change may have acute impacts on the surrounding environment (islands, cays etc.) which can alter the nature of coral

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