Contrasting Features In Daphne Du Maurier's Book, Rebecca

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In Daphne Du Maurier’s book, ‘Rebecca’, She uses contrasting features in her characters to emphasise their characteristics.An example of this is one of the main characters, Maxim de Winter. Maxim is portrayed as both attractive and forbidding, but also a mystery and an open book.In this essay I would like to explore how true this is throughout the chapters two to six, and come to a conclusion on if he is either attractive or forbidding, and wither he is a mystery or an open book.

Maxim is first introduced by Mrs. Von Hopper in chapter two, “It’s Max de Winter”, she said “the man who owns Manderley. You’ve heard of it, of course.He looks ill , doesn't he? They say he can't get over his wife’s death…”.This opening line about Maxim tells us two of the most important facts about him.The fact he owns Manderley and that his wife, Rebecca, died.These two facts dictate his life, as his home Manderley is his pride and joy and he dedicates most of his life to running …show more content…

This hints to the fact that when he feels like he is remembering the past, he will form a mask for himself to hide behind. This mask is so nobody will know what he is feeling or that he or they touched upon a memory that struck a nerve for him.This is something he does later in the novel, to hide from others and the narrator that memories of Rebecca hurt him and is a key example of him being a mysterious character.
Another instance where Maxim de Winter was a ‘mystery’, was when conversing with Mrs. Von Hopper he mentioned that he “came away in rather a hurry”.This gives the impression he would rather not talk about the reason he came away, as it was something personal to him. This gives him an air of mystery, as it leaves Mrs. Von Hopper wondering, as she is a very nosy person by nature.It leaves open lots of possibilities to why he came

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