Containment Theory: Economic, Social And Political Side Of Government

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Containment Theory: A sociological idea that deviance from the law (crimes) come from the imbalance between a person and society. This imbalance can be a result of being poor and needing money, leading to a theft that was made out of necessity. Communism: A theory that affects the economic, social, and political side of government, by bringing society to an equal. In theory, it sounds good because everyone is the same, but it brings everyone down to the same level of poverty and oppression. Imperialism: The process of obtaining territories or states for a government or empire, establishing its full control and power over the new territory. An example of imperialism is when Great Britain controlled territories during the age of expansion, …show more content…

Liberals believe in many democratic principles such as freedom of speech, press, religion, but also believe in gender-equality, civil rights, secularism, socialism, and big government. Nation-State: A country or state, that ties its people to the country. An example, France is called France because of the French people who run the country. Socialism: A political system and belief of public ownership, equal for everyone. Similar to communism, by bringing the public wealth down for everyone and creating oppression. Fascism: A form of government and belief usually involving a dictator, and limited political freedoms. Similar to totalitarianism, as the government controls the majority of the country's freedoms and limits political ideas. Deterrence Theory: The theory that another country will not take aggressive action if aggression will be used in retaliation. Assured destruction in the cold-war is a great example of this, because if a nuclear warhead was launched by either side, the other side would have retaliated by blowing up their country. Hegemonic Stability Theory: The theory that when one powerful state controls other states, it becomes stable. When the powerful state crumbles, the stability is

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