Constant Spreading

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Constant worrying is something that is natural for people in life. People worry about their jobs, grades in school, financial status, loved ones, and many other things. Some of the things that people worry about are deep and meaningful, and some just seem silly. Many would argue that those happy, are the ones who are worry-free. Worrying is beneficial to the way we function, it helps accomplish necessary tasks much more efficiently and effectively.

There are many reasons why worrying is very beneficial to people. If there are two people working the same job, but one worries about doing well and the other does not, who would do the job more effectively? The person who worries would do a better job because that person is attentive to what …show more content…

Edmund Bourne Ph.D., one of the authors of Natural Relief for Anxiety said, "There is only one way to happiness and that is to cease worrying about things that are beyond the power of our will". Sometimes people worry about things that are beyond our reach or beyond our control, these are the things that Edmund Bourne is talking about. He is saying that if we worry about things that we cannot control, then we can never be happy. People will argue that too much worrying will lead to social anxiety or panic disorders. Worrying may seem like a bad thing, but it becomes bad once it reaches a limit. Once people reach excessive worrying then that is when problems can occur to one's health. People will say worrying is bad, because it causes stress, makes us feel more tired, may speed the aging process. All these factors make it seem as if worrying is more of a negative impact than a positive impact. Worrying has a lot of positive impacts on people. Everything will have its pros and its cons. Some people view the cons of worrying much more important than the positive aspects. Worry helps us make decisions much better, and faster. It helps us perform better when doing important tasks. In schools when students worry about their grades, it makes them focus better and study more. All of these factors help people become better people in the long

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