Conodoguinet Creek Experiment

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On October 6th, our school went on a field trip to the Conodoguinet Creek. We were not there to mess around but, we were there to do an experiment. Acid rain and eutrophication are two big problems in our area, and we as scientists went to the creek to see what the levels are of the creek. My hypothesis going to the creek was, if we test the creek for signs of pollution, then we can figure out how polluted the water is. Before going I did some back research and I thought that the creek was polluted before going on the study. With all the research I gathered we can see if the creek is polluted or not.

One of the experiments on trip was to test how fast the water was moving. Our group stood in nine different locations and did the testing. My hypothesis was if the water is deeper, then the water velocity will be faster. After the group did that, the group collaborated results, giving people the other answers so they can fill in their data sheet. Now the results will vary depending on what group you are in, and it can vary from all of us walking in and around the creek. As you can see on the left is the graph of all the data. The scatter plot indicates that my hypothesis is incorrect because if you look at it as the depth gets deeper, than the speed or velocity of the water goes down. …show more content…

First test you will see if the phosphates test. All together, the average of the test was 0.3 ppm. Which in that case is good showing that there is not much eutrophication in the creek. My group personally did a nitrates test. Our group got about 0.4 ppm. On average the tests were around 0.8 ppm. Like the phosphates that means that there isn’t much eutrophication in the creek. Another test we did was a dissolved

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