Mint Gum Flavor The Longest

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The purpose of this experiment was to identify which brand of mint gum holds its flavor the longest. The four brands I chose were Orbit, Trident, Ice Breakers, and Wrigley's Doublemint My hypothesis was that Trident brand would last the longest and Wrigley's Doublemint would last the shortest. I did not use any people in my test. I chewed the same amount of gum at a time and the gum was all the same flavor, mint. All the gum was bought at the same time from the same store. I chewed the four brands of gums between periods of time. When chewing, I timed myself with a stopwatch. When I believed the gum ran out of flavor, I stopped the timmer and recorded the time. My hypothesis was incorrect. Instead of Trident, Orbit lasted the longest. However

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