Confucianism And Buddhism Comparison Essay

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The word religion can be defined as the belief in and worship of a superhuman controlling power, especially a personal God or gods. As far back as 570-478 BCE religions have been apart of our lives which people choose to follow various ideas which they believe in. They have power in their countries affecting, politics, money, and the people. Religions have been a huge part of our world since the beginning changing how people think and feel toward different views of the world. They’ve played a huge part in history changing it for the better or worse. Many religions fall under this rule but varying their beliefs and ideas of what they follow or believe in. Most religions follow god or gods that express ideas or rules to follow in their everyday life. Like Confucianism and Buddhism these religions both follow gods or people who express a certain set of ideas for their people to believe in. While they may have many similarities they also express many differences. They are also very different follow different beliefs and set of ideas set up by the two religions. they both encourage …show more content…

They both express the same idea of promoting virtue into people’s lives and discovering something more than the essentials out of your time on Earth to reach something greater. While they share many similarities they also include many differences. This includes having different class systems, as well as books and scriptures which the religions were passed down and read from. They were both founded out of necessity and the need for further exploration into the philosophy of life. Overall Confucianism and Buddhism help people to discovered their purpose in life as well as help them to lead a better and morally happy existence in the physical

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