Conflict Transformation Vs Conflict Resolution

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Just by looking at the name, one can understand a simple definition: conflict transformation is to transform a conflict into a more positive scenario. Unfortunately, exactly defining conflict transformation is difficult – there is no one concise sentence that will encompass every factor that leads to conflict transformation. Therefore, this essay will discuss multiple theories and lenses that need to be highlighted to help people completely understand exactly what conflict transformation is. While this essay will discuss conflict transformation, it is first important to clearly define exactly what conflict is. According to LeBaron and Pillay (2006), conflict is a “difference within a person or between two or more people that touches them in …show more content…

Conflict resolution can be described as methods that are used to resolve conflict and to fix disparities quickly and by any means possible (Ramsbotham et al., 2015, pp. 7-12). In my opinion, conflict transformation is superior to conflict resolution due to a multitude of reasons. Conflict transformation does not simply resolve the conflict at face-value; it attempts to looks at the deep-rooted discrepancies that are causing the conflict in the first place. In conflict resolution, one is merely looking for one party to win; it does not mean that the actual source of the conflict is addressed. Unlike conflict transformation, no constructive communication takes place and, therefore, can lead to an even greater conflict than what had initially …show more content…

A mediator can challenge both parties to pose questions designed to explore the causes of conflict and empower the parties to use different methodologies that solve the conflict with a higher degree of understanding (Webel & Galtung, 2010). A prime example of conflict transformation and a mediator in practice is a married couple in counselling. The therapist acts as mediator by opening a dialogue between the couple to look at the genuine deep-rooted conflict that has led to the couple seeking counsel – the couple is looking to better their marriage by transforming their problems. If the couple were applying conflict resolution to their situation, it would lead to a

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