Conflict Resolution In Conflict Management

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Conflict is an inequality through which the parties involved identify a risk to their needs, welfares andtrepidations. Research has shown that managers spend more than twenty percent of their time in dealing with conflict (Pondy,1992; Pulhamus, 1991; Thomas & Schmidt, 1976). Conflict can be resolved in many ways like negotiation, resolution, settlement, and conciliation are some of themethods of conflict management. When a dispute arises, often the best course of action is negotiation which is generally used to resolve the disparity/disagreement.

In conflict resolution, the best solution is the solution that is best for the both sides. One should always use all the resources to solve out the conflict smoothly without harming anyone. To resolve the conflict one should first understand the conflict, the reason of the conflict then it is very important to communicate with the opposing party to understand the problem. To come up with the best solution it is important to do brainstorming and the choosing the best resolution and it is always better to use the third party mediator so there will be no further arguments on the same issues in future. Dual Concern Model which was created by Blake & Mouton in 1964. It is a conceptual standpoint that assumes individuals’ chosen method of dealing with conflict is based on two themes or dimensions: concern for self (assertiveness) and concern for others (empathy).
There are five types of conflict styles:
• Competing (high concern for …show more content…

It is the process of eradicating the negative aspects of conflict while increasing the positive aspects of conflict because conflict is not bad every time rather it helps the organization in developing. It is very important to understand conflict and to resolve that. Conflict management is the way of dealing with disputes in a balanced & effectual

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