Confessions Of A Video Vixen Essay

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I am a little late when it comes to reading Confessions of a Video Vixen especially since I read Vindicated first. While reading the reviews of Vindicated, I noticed where a reader explained how Karrine’s story came full circle at the end of Vindicated because she had finally been Vindicated. I was scrolling through the comments section and noticed a reader suggesting that readers pick up Confessions of a Video Vixen to read about how Karrine became a person who thought violence was normal and continued to stay in and return to abusive relationships. When it comes to why Karrine wrote Confessions of a Video Vixen, I knew that Karrine didn’t just wake up one day say “Hey I’m going to hook up with celebrities and write a book about it” there is way more to the story than just writing about hooking up with Ja Rule, Usher, Diddy and Ice-T. In my opinion, Confessions of a Video Vixen is an example of what happens when a poor foundation has been created. Karrine’s foundation began with an abusive mother and absent father. I believe one of the saddest moments in this book outside of Karrine’s mother abusing her and lowering her self-esteem was how her ex (who she met at 17 while stripping) kicked her out while she was pregnant because of an argument and before she left, he demanded …show more content…

According to her, they provided thousands of dollars for shopping sprees and other things, but when she really needed help they could only spare her a few hundred dollars. Karrine learned that these guys were just using her and turned to hustling in order to feed her son because she was broke due to her addictions. It was a lesson that Karrine had to learn the hard way when it came to the men she thought really cared about

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