Confederation Government

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It is widely known, that for a country to be considered a state, it should have the three major components. First, the territory which is the first main component because no State can be found without one. The territory is the entire space delimited by frontiers over which the State must exercise its prerogatives. Second, the population which is the second element of the State. It is the human component without which the State cannot exist. Last but not least, the political authority which is the third element of the state and which the State cannot exist without because the State must exercise an exclusive authority called the sovereignty. The territory and the population must be subjected to the same political authority. …show more content…

Moreover, there are three forms of states: the Unitary State, the Federal State, and the Confideration State. In this essay, I will be discussing the Federation and the Confederation States. According to Rainer Benz:” A federal government is a system of dividing up power between a central national government and local state governments that are connected to each other by the national government.” Usually, the central national government deals with issues that may affect the country as a whole while the local state government deals with issues of local concern. Both the central national government and the local national government are allowed to make laws. There are many Federal States around the world such as the USA, Germany, Canada, Switzerland … Federal states can have advantages on one hand and disadvantages on the other hand. Starting with the advantages, since most Federal States have a large territory, such as the USA, sometimes, the central local government cannot always keep up with the demands and changes every area of the country needs. Therefore, the local state governments, which are “in the middle of the local society” according to …show more content…

The word “Confederation” is similar to the word “Federation” but it has a totally different meaning. A Federation, as stated before, has a strong central government whereas a Confederation is a contract or agreement that occurs between unconnected bodies to collaborate with each other. Confederations of States are usually created to deal with serious and hazardous situations like protection and security, external relations as well as the currency. There are many examples of Confederations such as Canada, the European Union, Iroquois League, and Serbia and Montenegro. Just as Federal States have their advantages and disadvantages, Confederal States do too. Starting with the disadvantages, first, in a Confederation, the center does not possess any power concerning taxation. In other words, it is not the function of the government to collect or appropriate taxes to regulate the national revenue . Second, the livelihood and maintenance of a Confederation is not always guaranteed seeing that this type authority or government is not durable although the Confederation is considered to be the most decentralized form. Furthermore, a Confederation is also described as an alteration period meaning that countries are changing from Confederation to

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