Conceited: It Comes Off In A Positive Way

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When individuals first hear or say that someone is conceited, it usually comes off in a negative way. To be called conceited was never really a good word or good meaning to anyone, it is not what anyone looks forward to being called and what they try to avoid. The importance of the word conceited is because most people get annoyed, don’t like conceited individuals nor like to be around them. The definition of conceited is “excessively proud of oneself; vain” (Dictionary). A new and positive way to define conceited is being confident in oneself and wanting to improve. The word conceited in a positive way will help everyone have more confidence in themselves and feeling good about who are they are. They are so many men and women who worry about their looks, and talents, and trying …show more content…

Others will say there is a difference between being conceited, and being confident, although they don’t think of the word bragging and when it comes in place. Some say being conceited is proving something you don’t really believe (Hazel-1). In another perspective it really just shows a person that loves them self and is proud of who they are, what they have, and what they can show others. Confident can change a person's self-esteem and even how they look at themselves (Chandler). Nowadays it is the word “bragging” nobody likes and they will often get it confused with being conceited. Seeing conceited in a positive way matters because it will make people happy that they can be themselves and show off what they got. More people will get along with each other and possibly help each other out. Instead of people only being their own fan they will have multiple fans helping them reach their own goals. It can change the future with how the world will judge everyone, how they will treat and look at others. Nobody wants to be put down for showing a talent they have, so let them embrace

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