Computer Skills At Chattahoochee Technical College

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Computers and mobile devices have become an integral part of today’s society. Therefore, many people use them in schools, homes, and the work place. It has become imperative to know the basic computer skills to survive. College students acquire basic computer skills that will equip them with the knowledge to operate a computer, such as sending emails, conducting internet research, creating a word document and creating presentations. Students at Chattahoochee Technical College are required to have basic computer skills to accomplish tasks. The days of textbook research and handwritten submissions are over. “With the advent of web-enhanced courses, students will need to possess basic computer skills” (Richards). These basic computer skills help …show more content…

Students use computers and electronic devices to communicate with their peers and professors at the college they attend. Many college courses require students to check their e-mail daily for special announcements. Also, colleges offer tutorial services for students, making it easier for students to understand the material. Without the knowledge of computer skills, it makes it harder for students that do not know how to use a computer even harder to understand. Students with no computer skills can spent countless hours trying to figure out how to send an e-mail to their professor or another classmate. It is imperative for the students to know how to use e-mail. It is the quickest and most efficient way to communicate with a peer or a professor. Students need to constantly communicate with their peers through e-mail to help each other out with assignments. With most colleges having hybrid classes it could make it harder for the students who do not have basic computer skills. Although many colleges offer in-class courses, students may find it embarrassing if they do not know how to use a computer well …show more content…

Professors often e-mail or post the homework and often require students to submit assignments online. The inability to download or upload the assignments will typically result in a failing grade for that assignment. Many colleges offer basic computer literacy courses for students who need to gain familiarity with hardware and software functionality. Also, students may find tutorials with instructions on learning computer basis without enrolling in a formal class. All college students need to have basic computer skills because it is imperative for them to complete their assignments. Without the basic computer knowledge, it will make a student’s life hard in college. Every college student who does not have the basics down, they need to enroll in some sort of computer literacy class. Chattahoochee Technical College uses Blackboard so students can navigate through their classes. Blackboard is relatively straightforward for students that have computer skills, but it can take students hours to figure out how to use it if they have poor computer

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