Comprehensive Community Clinic: Language Analysis

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JW, the subject of this language analysis, was an eleven year old boy who visited Comprehensive Community Clinic at the University of West Georgia for a therapy. The therapy session was conducted by a student clinician from the university. JW is autistic who also exhibited some issues with articulation and facial motor control, other than that he seemed to be of normal health. Prior to the session, the clinician allowed JW to spend some time looking out the window. In this exercise, JW had to describe what he saw outside the window. By looking out the window, JW practiced social interaction and joint attention with the clinician. Throughout the sample, JW was cordial and responsive to the clinician’s inquiries. He needed a lot of prompting from the clinician in order to have a dialog about the outside environment. At time’s he would initiate the conversation by directing the clinician’s attention by saying “look” or “there’s”, however he doesn’t maintain the topic. During the …show more content…

In this speech sample, JW shows some word finding difficulty by pausing or using filler words such as “um” and continuing to keep his utterances short. In regards to form development, JW had some strengths. Even though JW has an issue with articulation, he showed his knowledge in syntax and morphology. When speaking, JW produced simple sentences in subject-verb-object order which showed his knowledge in the proper syntax for the English language. He also understands the need to conjugate words in order to identify the number or tense he is referring to. For instance when he wanted the clinician to look at two men he said, “There’s two mans. They take out the package.” He understood the rule to add an “s” after a word to make the word plural. However, in English the plural form of “man” is “men”. Also in the morpheme analysis, he lacked utilizing all the different forms of morphemes. Mostly he used contractible copulas and regular plural

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