Comparison of Scenes from William Shakespeare's Henry V

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Comparison of Scenes from William Shakespeare's Henry V

In both scenes, Henry has different purpose, audience and structure.

There are many comparisons between the lectures. Henry has two

different situations in both speeches. The aspect of Act 1 Scene 2 is

to avenge the Dauphin of his mockery, but the Act 4 Scene 3 is to

bequeath more confidence in his men. The dialogue directed to the

Dauphin shows more anger in Henry. With comparison to the other

dialogue, which has a more friendly approach. This might indicate that

Henry desires to use antagonism to eliminate the confidence in the

Dauphin. Henry requires capturing the Dauphin's confidence because of

the humiliation gift of tennis balls from the Dauphin himself to

suggest Henry should go and play games 'play a set.'

In the other speech Henry uses friendly and positive terms to provide

his men with more morale to fight beside him in the battle against the

Dauphin, 'we band of brothers.' In the first speech, Henry has various

tone changes through out the composition, but on the other hand, Henry

employs terms that are more emotional in his communication with his

men. The language terminology in the first speech is more to do with

arguments one on one and it has a great deal of puns. Comparing the

verbal communication with the one directed at his soldiers, this one

is more exposed to his men. Henry aspires to use persuasive techniques

in his speech because he wishes his men not to desert him. He uses

many semantic fields.

Henry also uses the imagery in his dialect. The image set in the first

lecture is King Henry winning the war and he will dazzle like the

'sun.' The second lecture he uses the imagery of honour and the honour

they will have if they win the war with less men, 'and if to live, the

fewer men, the greater share of honour.' Additionally Henry can create

vivid picture in the imagination of both the Dauphin and his men on

the subject at hand.

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