Comparison of Beowulf and Rustam in as Heroes

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Shahnameh or Epic of the Kings was written about ninth or tenth cetury AD by Iranian epic poet ,Ferdowsi, who was a Muslim . Ferdowsi write about a hero,Rustam whose religion during his time was Zoroastrianism. Zoroastrianism believed in God and the life after death . The religion of the writer and Rustam (Islam and zoroastrianism) have so many things in common . their beliefs about god in life were somehow the same .Rustam fights for his people and his country. Anywhere that the country or even the dignity of his country is at risk he appears and removes the problems . He is so boastful and houghty for the glories he has won and his power, but anytime that he faces a danger that he can't get through with that , he asks Ahura Mazda to help him. He declares in so many places that Ahura Mazda has givven him all the glories he has gained .So we see the elements of monotheism all through the story of Rustam and being humble toward god .And we can say that the writer didn't necessarily insert the elements of Islam in the story. And in the seven trials , at times when he is in danger of death,he is sure that whether he dies or not , he will gain the glory because he is going to die for his country and his king . And he also belives that if he dies he will be rewarded in the life after death ,unlike Beowulf.

The Beowulf story was originally told in fifth century AD , by Anglo-Saxons ,the people who didn't believe in God, the Pagans. However the original author of this book was Christian and lent many of his Christian thoughts to this book.The Anglo-Saxon's beliefs were Pagan. They didn't believe in a god, they thought when you die you are just dead. In Beowulf the Anglo-Saxons longed for fame. To t...

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... hideous monsters and forces that are backed by evil or Satan but they never fear the threat of death. Their leadership skills are superb and they are even able to boast about all their achievements. Rustam and Beowulf are the ultimate epic heroes who risk their lifes countless times for immortal glory and for the good of others. they are two heroes that two nations have made according to their ideals.

These two are the prime examples of epic heroes. Their bravery and strength surpass all mortal men, They have the loyalty to their people and to their king .They openly and wholeheartedly help their people and risk their lives for them.They show the necessity of brotherhood and friendship in the time of trouble.


1. Rosenberg,Dona. World Mythology.

2. Hellen,Zimmern. Translation of Shahanemeh of Ferdowsi.Taken from .

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