Comparison Of Tikki And The Cobra Snakes

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Rikki tikki is an amazing mongoose who saves many animals and his human family in a story, Rikki-Tikki-Tavi, written by Rudyard Kipling, an amazing writer. The story takes place someplace in India. More specific, in a bungalow and garden some place in India. A bungalow is a type of house in India and a garden is a yard. A few of the main characters are Rikki-Tikki and the cobra snakes. The cobra snakes are Nag and Nagina, a cobra is a type of snake in India. With all the amazing plot twists in this story, it’ll be exciting to see what comes next. In the story Rikki saves his family by killing the two cobras and their brood. Rikki should definitely be proud of himself, for saving all those people and garden animals. He also didn’t try to kill …show more content…

The cobras were the villains due to them trying to kill the family in the bungalow, garden animals, and Rikki Tikki. The snakes were actually trying to kill more animals than Rikki. “” When the house is empty of people,” said Nagaina to her husband,“ he will have to go away, and the garden will be our own again. Go in quietly, and remember that the big man who killed karait is the first one to bite. Then come out and tell me, and we will hunt for Rikki-tikki together.”” (Kipling page 21) The snakes are trying to be the “Rulers” of the garden. Rikki Tikki did put an end to this, and made life in the garden and bungalow much more carefree. This in itself is a reason to be …show more content…

He would die to protect them. That makes him certainly very brave and giving for risking his life. This is a very good reason why he should be proud of himself. “ Teddy shouted to the house: “ Oh look, here! Our mongoose is killing a snake.” (Kipling page 20) The snake that is stated in the quote was a poisonous snake that was going to bite Teddy. In doing so the snake would have killed Teddy. Teddy’s mother was very happy that Rikki risked his life to save Teddy’s. Rikki does this act of giving throughout the story, even if it was for a baby fledgling. Rikki also made the garden safe and more carefree. After he got rid of the snakes the garden was a much more peaceful place with not having to worry about the snakes. The humans/ family did not have to worry about being bitten and neither did the animals in the garden. Also the animals did not have to worry about their children being eaten by the snakes. Such as in the quote, “ Naginia used to eat frogs as well as little birds” ( Kipling page 28) So the animals were very happy about the cobras being

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