Comparison Of Shirley Clarke's Career And The Connection (1961)

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Shirley Clarke’s Career and The Connection (1961) Shirley Clarke is one of the pioneers of the New American Cinema movement. She came from bourgeois beginnings, which she abandoned in pursuit of dance and, later, of film. Throughout her career, Clarke strove to bridge the American cinema’s divide between commercially successful films and artistic films. Escaping her father’s influence by tying the knot and thus securing economic independence, Clarke turned to filmmaking when her dancing career came to a halt (Rabinovitz 95, 97). Dance in the Sun (1953) was Clarke’s filmmaking debut. By cutting on motion, Clarke captured the dynamics of movement that paralleled Maya Deren’s 1946 work, A Study in Choreography for the Camera (Rabinovitz 99). …show more content…

Her second film, Paris in the Parks (1954), explored the Dance of Life in Parisian playgrounds in tempo with a jazzy soundtrack (Rabinovitz 97). In a project requested by the United States Pavilion, Clarke shifted from capturing dance to bestowing its characteristics onto the inanimate. Bridges-go-round (1958) was Clarke’s most influential contribution to the project. It was a play on continuous motion that subverted the expectation of stillness and made the gigantic bridges come to life. The superimposition and constant movement animated the manmade structures in a disconcerting way. The bright colors and the two soundtracks (Macero and Barron) enhanced the feeling of never reaching the other end and of being trapped by these never-ending roads (Rabinovitz

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