Comparison Of Little Red Riding Hood And Dracula

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Little Red Riding Hood by Charles Perrault and Dracula by Bram Stoker are both stories of evil characters attempting to manipulate good characters for a source of food. In the story of Dracula, a young solicitor named Jonathan Harker is sent on business to Castle Dracula, the home of Count Dracula, whom Jonathan then learns is a vampire. The powers of the Count are his ability to control elements to hide him, his ability to change his form, his ability to control meaner animals such as rats and wolves, and being able to strengthen his ranks of unDead with a sucking of blood, amongst other things. His weaknesses include only being able to be awake between sunset and sunrise, and not being able to handle garlic or religious items. While Dracula has his powers, the group of six people attempting to destroy him have the ability to be awake at any time, to think ahead, and to use religious items and garlic to hold him off and purify his sleeping places. As said in the quote “Then it were, I think, good that I tell you something of the kind of enemy with which we have to deal.”(203) This quote was said by a member of the group when he began explaining what they must do. These six people are able to fight Dracula by knowing his powers- and his weaknesses. …show more content…

She is sent by her mother to give food to her sick grandmother. The evil character, Wolf, is a cunning creature who can speak and manipulate, and who is in need of food. He says to Red, “I'll go and see [Grandmother] too. I'll go this way, and you go that, and we shall see who will be there first.”(1) As soon as he can, he eats her. Wolf’s motivation is to persuade Red to get him food, whether she knows it or not. His powers are the ability to speak and persuade, and his weakness is knowing only to hunt due to his

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