Comparison Of Assassination And The Battleship Island

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Ayushi Kalyani
20th Century History Through Film
Assassination (2015) and The Battleship Island: Serving the audience a taste of Japanese Colonial Rule in Korea
“The dramatic feature film, directed by the descendants of Griffith, has been and continues to be, in terms of audience and influence, the most important form of history in the visual media.” A declaration made by Robert A Rosenstone in his book History on Film/Film on History, as mainstream drama attracts a wide audience that may not be interested/knowledgeable in history but seek entertainment. Korean dramas are popular worldwide to have “the ability to elicit strong, immediate emotion, the emphasis on the visual and aural, and the resulting embodied equality of the film experience …show more content…

Unlike the plot line of Assassination, that engages the audience with recurring humor and melodrama shared between the characters, The Battleship Island focuses on struggle of the movement to make the audience to pick the side of the victimized Koreans and join their movement against the brutal Japanese. Beginning the film with the scene where a child labors in the mining factory along with numerous other Koreans and is forced back into a mining tunnel that was known to collapse due to the gas leak awakens a sense of anger towards the assailant, which is later further ignited as three kids try to escape the labor camp upon the instructions of popular Korean resistance leader Yoon Hak-cheol are killed by the Japanese soldiers. While one of them is shot early during the attempt, the other two are drowned to death by the soldiers who trap them in the net as they were swimming to their across the sea. There is conversation between the fellow soldiers where one asks the other “these Koreans are very annoying, should we shoot them and turn them off,” then he maniacally laughs as he throws stones at them (6:40). The military music plays in the background as they pull away the net with dead kids in the water. This scene dramatize the relationship between the …show more content…

While in Assassination, the General and the conglomerate are both killed and the traitor is also punished, In The Battleship Island, the Japanese leader and the traitor resistance leader are killed. Both the films show a numerous Korean casualties loss during the achieving the success and major characters that the audience have come to adore are sacrificed. This serves as justification for vengeance that drove the other characters to strive for success. Success being freedom from Japanese. The two movies, “persnalizes, dramatizes, and emotionalizes the past” to justify their perspective of history to the audience. It certainly provides the audience a glimpse to how Koreans remember their life under Japanese colonization and how they felt about them. John W. Dower writes about this experience in his book War Without Mercy justifying this hatred displayed in both the films. “Their government, commerce, industry, and agriculture had been almost totally taken over by the

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