Comparison: Anticipation And Getting What You Want

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10 Compare… anticipation/actually getting what you want Anticipation is a funny emotion. People often feel it when they are looking forward to something, whether it is an event or a gift they will soon receive. An increased eagerness and hope for something to come can sometimes have negative effects once the thing that was wanted finally arrives. Anticipation can cause people to elevate the idea of what they want and place it on an unrealistic pedestal. Because of this, when the individual finally receives what they want, the results are disappointing. This happens very often regarding new movies that have been anticipated for months. After news about a movie’s production is release many people speculate what it will be like and grow excited …show more content…

Whether the troubles and anxieties come from work, school, or family, they are there, and they are abundant. Take my mom for example; she has three children and works a part time job. After her day at work, she comes home to work some more. Whether it is to clean up around the house, go out food shopping, or do laundry, her workload never seems to lessen. And at 2:30 it is time for her to pick up me and my siblings from school. The stress only increases from there, having to help my little brother with his homework, or bring my little sister to whatever afterschool activity she has that day. The stresses that Americans deal with, more often than not, have to do with money. This includes making money in their job to support their family, and making sure to efficiently budget the money they’ve …show more content…

These relatives usually include grandparents, aunts and uncles, or cousins. Sometimes extended families live in large houses that allow immediate family members to receive their own space while stilling living in the same home, while other families have to cram their larger than normal families into a traditionally sized home. Extended family living can get a little hectic and crazy. Living with so many people, especially in a smaller environment can be overwhelming, but this type of lifestyle is sure to build a strong and loving relationship among family members. Those who live with their cousins or grandparents are undoubtedly going to be closer with them than if they lived in separate households. Living with others is an extremely intimate experience. Members must learn to work together and get along in order to exist together in peace. Extended family living is not something all people are able to do, but those who are able to do it create life lasting bonds with those they

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