Comparing Two Corinthians Teachings On Suffering

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5:10-12 as Jesus made it plain that his followers would suffer persecution and they would be blessed for it. This angle Paul takes on suffering is quite the same angle he takes in Philippians. In 2 Corinthians 1:3-10, and 2 Corinthians 11:20-33 Paul talks about suffering. In 2 Corinthians his teachings on suffering is different then his Philippian epistle on suffering. He highlights that there is comfort in suffering, as the more believers endure righteous suffering, the greater will be their comfort and reward. The Corinthians are to realize the process that suffering builds godly patience and endurance, and to rather have self pity when suffering one should share in each others lives the encouragement of divine comfort they receive …show more content…

And then Paul says from perseverance to character, so as the believer is going through suffering their Christian character is being tested but should glory in there suffering as God is producing and refining there character and faith.

I believe this portion of scripture with the insight of the suffering and perseverance for Christ matters to the Christian faith because many believers think they suffer because of their circumstances, or God is punishing them. I know from my personal experience and still sometimes I struggle with the notion that as a follower of Christ will automatically entail suffering. Some how I thought when you became a Christian that your life would be easier, and smooth sailing. That’s why this theme of suffering and perseverance taught by Paul in Philippians 1:27-29 is so important and monumental to the Christian faith. When you sum up what Paul says and think about Christ you realize that Christ loved us and suffered a harsh death so that we might be free from eternal death. So Christ came to serve humanity and suffered doing so, and in turn when we serve Christ we suffer and partake and the same kind of suffering Jesus had to endure for doing what is right. So if we desire to live righteous

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