Comparing The Lawnmower Man And Buffy The Vampire Slayer

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Horror was on a bit of a high in 1992 as Dead Alive, Army of Darkness, The Lawnmower Man and Buffy the Vampire Slayer all saw their releases that year. But the year also had some far weaker entries such as Witchcraft IV. Pet Sematary falls somewhere toward the upper middle. The acting is just to cheese for me to take it seriously, but it's well paced and has more than a handful of memorable scenes. I would go so far as to call this a good movie, except I just can't get past Edward Furlong's performance. How he won a Saturn Award for this role, I don't know. Maybe I'm just the odd one out here, but I think that Jason McGuire was by far the better of the two. Pet Sematary Two starts with Jeff Mathews (Edward Furlong) witnessing the accidental …show more content…

Where Chase opens up a new veterinary clinic. While setting the place up, Jeff finds a bag of kittens and asks to keep one, which he's allowed to do. Drew (Jason McGuire) and his dog Zowie are brought in by Drew's stepfather Gus Gilbert (Clancy Brown), the town sheriff. Zowie gets patched up and sent home with Drew and Gus. At his first day attending his new school Jeff ends up at the receiving end of a group of bullies lead by Clyde Parker (Jared Rushton) radar. His kitten (which for some inexplicable reason he decided to take with him) gets snag by Clyde who races off. After chasing down the group, Jeff and Clyde come to blows. After losing the brawl, Jeff retrieves his kitten from a bird cage in the Pet Sematary. Not to long later Gus shoots Zowie for bothering his rabbits one to many times. This results with Zowie dying in Drew's arms. With Jeffs aid Drew takes Zowie to the old native burial ground up behind the Pet Sematary and buries him. Zowie returns that night, but changed in temperament. Where Zowie was once a nice, sweet dog, now Zowie teeters …show more content…

Mostly is the good kind though, normally reserved for B Films. Clancy Brown being the actor most obviously having the most fun with his role. But the majority of cast is incredibly solid, except for Edward Furlong and Jared Rushton. Jared Rushton suffers mostly for just having a one dimension character, a bully for bullying's sake. So I have a hard time faulting him, but I still

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