Comparing The Instruction Of Amenemope And The Book Of Proverbs

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Wisdom literature has long been a guiding tool among cultures from all ages throughout history. The acquisition of wisdom and virtuous living is something many have sought after. In Ancient Near East cultures, two prominent wisdom texts were in circulation that shaped how people lived and interacted with one another, The Instruction of Amenemope and the Book of Proverbs. Though it is argued by many that the Instruction of Amenemope precedes Proverbs, it is undeniable that the two resemble each other in both form and content. While each possesses unique characteristics that differentiate the two, both portray pictures of the wise man and the heated, evil man, address issues surrounding honesty, and deal with right living before a deity.
Form and Content of Amenemope
The Instruction of Amenemope’s form matches much of the Ancient Near East wisdom literature. The book begins with a title, “Beginning of the teaching for life, The instruction for well-being” (I.1-2). The book the reveals that the instruction was authored by “the overseers of the fields, experienced in his office, /The overseer of grains who controls the measure” (I.13,15). After the title, …show more content…

This section of Proverbs begins with a poetic introduction that explains the explicit benefits of heeding the ensuing council. The author writes, “Incline your ear, and hear the words of the wise and apply your heart to my knowledge, for it will be pleasant if you keep them within you, if all of them are ready on your lips. That your trust may be in the LORD, I have made them known to you today, even to you” (Prov. 22:17-19, ESV). The purpose for this section of instruction is ultimately so that the reader might know the Lord. From there, the author presents the content portion of his work, giving principals that guide and mark one’s life for greater holiness and devotion to

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