Comparing The Film 'Symphonic Story Of A Boy And His Mother'

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The Symphonic Story of a Boy and His Mother Psycho follows the story of Marion Crane, a woman who runs off with forty grand in hopes of starting a new life with her boyfriend, when she stops to rest at a motel due to a strong storm. There at the motel, she meets one of the owners, Norman, and suddenly things start to drastically change for the worse. Not only was the genre and topic new to audiences all around the world in the 1960s, the groundbreaking score carried the film beautifully and flawlessly. Never had anyone attempted and successfully used music like the kind that Bernard Herrmann created for this film. Herrmann focused on the fact that this movie was very much a story that played into one’s mind, and he knew that the music had …show more content…

One main reason for this is because many films that came before it were dramatic in a very romantic sense. Love and drama was a big factor in most all films. Those films, however, supported the romantic and tender themes through other instrument groups such as wind or percussion. These groups of instruments gave their films a much more lively and vivid feel to them. This was needed in a film with lots of drama and emotion, though not so much in a psychological thriller. Intense emotion was something that Herrmann was trying to bring out from the audience, though these were emotions on the completely opposite side of the spectrum. For example, the murder of the main character, Marion, includes the murder theme, of which is an ear piercing and absolutely terrifying song. As she is murdered, the multiple shots and angles along with the music create such an intense immersiveness. It makes the viewer cower in their seat and instinctively cover their eyes from terror. It’s a gruesome scene on it’s own, but with the high pitched and displeasing music to go along with it, it’s a perfectly crafted scene. Strings accomplished what other instruments couldn’t do as well. Sharp, piercing, terrifying, anxiety-inducing, and big sweeping sounds can versitally be many through an all strings orchestra. They’re the perfect sounds needed to elicit terror into the watcher. When a horrific scene takes place, the strings come into play with a sharp and intense tune. The music is eerie and scares the viewer with its displeasing chords. It’s a song meant to make the viewer uncomfortable and the murder theme does a superb job at accomplishing its intended

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