Comparing The Bachelor And The Selection

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The Selection Companion Love in Front of the Camera: Is it Real or Fake? In Illea, every time a prince or princess is old enough to get married, a Selection is held. This televised contest has 35 girls or boys from around the world try to win the prince or princesses heart by entering a sheet about themselves and are then randomly chosen. While in The Selection, the contestant’s family will get money and food every week as long as their child is still in the contest. If their child does get married into the royal family, the whole family’s caste gets moved up to a One. In The Selection, the love in front of the camera may just be fake. The caste you were born into determines how much money you earn, what your lifestyle is, and what job …show more content…

Every week, he eliminates girls on the show by having the Rose Ceremony. If he wants a girl to stay, he gives them a rose and if the girl isn’t handed a rose, she is eliminated. This is one show that The Selection is similar to. One similarity between both The Bachelor and The Selection is that the girls try to win the affections of one guy and it is televised. A second similarity, is that in both, the girls aren’t allowed television, books, and contact to outside of the house. However, there are differences as well. In the Bachelor, the guy sends home women every week, but in The Selection, the prince/princess can send home people randomly. Another difference is that the girls in The Bachelor have to compete for his attention, while in The Selection, Maxon dates girls at …show more content…

In future North America, the Capitol of Panem holds on to its 12 districts by forcing them each to select a boy and a girl, called Tributes, to compete in a nationally televised event called the Hunger Games. Every citizen must watch as the kids of the districts fight each other to death until only one remains. The tribute from District 12, Katniss Everdeen, doesn’t have that many skills other than her hunting skills and sharp instincts, in an arena where she must weigh survival against love. One similarity between both of the books is that they are both in a future America setting. In The Selection, America lives in a monarchy called Illea, while in The Hunger Games, Katniss lives in totalitarian government. Another reason that both books are alike is that the future America is separated into castes, which decide what job you have. In The Hunger Games, Katniss is in District 12, where the main job is coal mining. In The Selection, America is a 5, where the main job is same sort of artist (singing, painting, etc.) Both events are televised and the public picks its favorite. In The Hunger Games, if the public likes you, you would get an object that will help you in the games. In The Selection, you will get an advantage and stay longer in the competition. Finally, both books have a scene where the protagonist is interviewed. In the Hunger Games, the interviewer asks her about how The Hunger Games was after she won. In

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