Comparing Star Wars And Chinua Achebe's Arrow Of God

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Novels and film go hand-in-hand in today’s culture because it is so easy to compare a movie like the Hunger Games to the novel the Hunger Games, but it is not so easy to compare a novel and a movie that on the surface seem to be so different. Chinua Achebe’s novel Arrow of God takes place in 1920’s Africa in the country of Nigeria. Achebe weaves the tale of a tragic hero, Ezeulu, conflicted against his native religion and duties and the new Christian religion that was being brought over by the Europeans. On the other hand, Star Wars: A New Hope, directed by George Lucas, is a film about a young boy named Luke Skywalker who is brought into a foreign “religion” and taken on a journey with a variety of other characters. Arrow of God and A New Hope both have different monomyth patterns of fiction, similar archetypes with some contrasting ones as well, and both the novel and film show …show more content…

The most obvious is the monomyth, an example of this is “the Quest” where the hero goes on a journey and takes on hardships and survives it all (Archetypal Criticism, Campbell). In A New Hope it is clear that Luke goes on the “Journey” quest because he begins on Tattooine out in what we would call the countryside, even though it is all desert there. Luke then travels to at least 5 different locations throughout the story, always learning something new. For example, in space Luke is learning the ways of the Force from his mentor (Star Wars: A New Hope). On the other side, Achebe used the “Tragedy” quest for Ezeulu in Arrow of God (Archetypal Criticism, Campbell). Ezeulu, who is the Chief Priest of his tribe, has falling off the pedestal amongst his people for treating them badly by the end of the story. Achebe describes Ezeulu in the beginning of the novel like all the people respect him, it is never actually stated, but by the end the people do not like him and join another religion altogether

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