Comparing Siddhartha, And Felix Krull: Confidence Man

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Literature has been an exemplary reconstruction of societal reflection. It is another way to portray societal ills and issues. Literature can be portrayed through a new perspective and angle that is later transcribed into a new reality of its own. It is an art that portrays a series of events, emotions, and beliefs that can be examined carefully and thoroughly. It epitomizes societal conflicts through poems, novels, and plays. The protagonists of these literatures are repeatedly exposed to societal repression, self-suppression, and self-discovery. In the literary works Werther, Siddhartha, and Felix Krull: Confidence Man, society is often reflected through nature and is often reflected in the characters themselves. In Goethe’s novella, The Sorrows of young Werther, the protagonist Werther is immersed in the romanticized concept of nature. It is often used as a backdrop …show more content…

From the very beginning he was unable to escape deception. His father epitomized deception. He sold cheap wine in beautiful bottle in order to deceive the public of the wine’s quality. His father, as well as, his Godfather influenced Felix’s character. When Felix was just a child his father cloaked financial ruins by throwing lavish parties. His grandfather encouraged costumes and character changes. The play solidified Felix’s path. After going to the theater he says, “…despite the rapture of my own sensations I was able and eager to look about me and interpret the feelings of the audience. On all these faces sat a look of almost silly bliss. They were wrapped in self- forgetful absorption, a smile played about their lips, sweeter and livelier in the little shop-girls.” Felix enjoyed the play and closely studied the audiences’ reaction. He questions whether the adults know that they are being deliberately deceived and if so, why would they want to be deceived? The audience is willing to purposely be deceived in order to find temporary

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