Comparing Plato's The Apology, The Crito, And The Republic

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Socrates, a man who lived thousands of years ago, is perhaps the most renowned philosopher of all time. His work was written down years later by his close friend, Plato. From these readings, we may find some ideas and thoughts of his that seem to contradict others. This seems to be evident in Plato’s stories The Apology, The Crito, and The Republic. The first story The Apology is the recounting of Socrates’ trial. He is being accused of corrupting the youth’s minds and not acknowledging the gods. Socrates describes himself as a simple, old man who speaks the truth rather than being deceitful with clever words. He claims that the Oracle at Delphi said that he was the wisest man in Athens. This makes the sophists and many citizens of Athens …show more content…

He talks about what the ideal city would entail asking questions such as, who would rule, who would raise the children, would you favor music or fitness, what justice means and finally what type of government would the state have and who would rule? Some of the answers Socrates discusses seem to contradict his beliefs in earlier works, specifically The Apology and The Crito. One of the largest discrepancies that I see between this work and The Apology is his view on examining life. In The Apology, he says that he would never be able to be alive and not continue to question what he sees and other people, because the unexamined life is not worth living. Yet in The Republic, he argues, in some instances, that people will be specialized in certain fields and that only the rulers will be philosophers. This means that only the rulers will be the ones who are examining and questioning things that are going on, which goes against what he states in The Apology. Most of the citizens in this state would not be examining what is told to them or questioning the world around them because it is not their specialty. Does that mean that their lives are not worth living or does it mean that only philosophers lives are worth living? I don’t think this means that people wouldn’t be capable of questioning things further, but they would be

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