Comparing Luhrmann's Romeo And Juliet

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Have you ever been in love? Real love? Have you ever lost someone? Have you ever lost someone you love? In the 1996 film Romeo and Juliet, directed by Baz Luhrmann, we are drawn into a world where two star-crossed lovers take their own life. The director makes sure you feel the tension between the two lovers, Romeo and Juliet. However, while doing this Mr. Luhrmann made sure to include the popular styles for movies back in his time.
Romeo and Juliet is a movie based on the play that William Shakespeare wrote in the late 1500’s. The director took more of a modern take on the play than other movies have done in the past, along with being made to be somewhat cheesy. The movie consisted of cameras, guns that were named swords and other weapons …show more content…

Basically two huge gang members in a city full of crime. Romeo and Juliet were the only hope of saving and fixing the feud. Love brings things together, that is what the movie portrays. Along with tragedy. The feud is between the Capulets and the Montagues. The Capulet and Montagues have hated each other forever. Then one day two star-crossed lovers met at a Capulets party, but were instantly pulled apart.
The lovers, Romeo Montague and Juliet Capulet face many challenges to meet each other and get married. At the time of their first meeting, they knew not the last names of the others. When they found out they hated their names for it and married anyway. However, Lord Capulet, Juliet's father, had other plans. The Lord wanted Juliet to marry someone else. Juliet took a different path, putting herself in a deathlike sleep. When Romeo finds this out he takes his own life, just as she wakes. The two were in love, they didn’t want to live without each other, thus, Juliet took a “dagger” which was a gun, and shot …show more content…

The two family ashamed of what had happened, because of the long feud that went on for too long, two valuable people took their life because they couldn’t be together. The two families realized they needed to change the way things were getting done. They would not be the same as they were before, but they had changed for the better or the worse.
Compared to the play it is way different, but that is only because it is a modern take on the play. Besides, it is nearly 500 years later, the play and movie are very similar. The movie fills in some gaps that the play left for interpretation. The style the movie was created was very popular in its time, but to the new generation of people it is not as appealing but is still funny, and entertaining.
Leonardo DiCaprio was perfect for the role for Romeo, he had the looks, the body, the skills, and the voice. Leonardo DiCaprio was cast in nearly 10 movies before Romeo and Juliet. After he starred in and acted in tons of big movies, everyone loves him.
Claire Danes was in about 7 movies before playing Juliet. She was young when she starred in the movie. Though she just because she was young didn’t stop her from rocking the role. The role simply just fitted for her. Making it seem almost natural for her to play

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