Comparing Hazel And Augustus's Fault In Our Stars

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Initially Hazel and Augustus were mere acquaintances with slight feelings for one another. As they got to know each other better, Hazel became apprehensive about being too close to him as she was afraid that he would be grieved by her impending demise. Despite this, they eventually developed an intimate relationship as Augustus loved her too deeply to give her up. Paradoxically, the pain they suffered brought joy into their relationship. When they first met, Hazel commented that Augustus putting a cigarette in his mouth was “Totally disappointing. Totally”. This shows that Hazel could not accept their differences yet. The mirroring of the word “totally” emphasizes the greatness of the disappointment she felt towards him, signifying that their …show more content…

This shows that Augustus’ interesting personality led Hazel into loving him. When Augustus touched Hazel’s face, she thought that “the gentle familiarity felt wrong”. A “gentle familiarity” should connote warmth and affection. The irony that it felt wrong suggests Hazel’s strong disinclination in building an intimate relationship with him. Furthermore, Hazel said that she was “like a grenade”. A “grenade” is an object which blows up and inflicts harm on people nearby. This simile shows that Hazel is afraid she would hurt Augustus greatly through her imminent death from terminal cancer. This bears a disheartening and melancholic mood. However, after Augustus started making small sacrifices for Hazel, she “put [her] hand on top of his” when he took his first plane flight. This action connotes reliance and connectivity, where Hazel finally accepts him. In Amsterdam, Hazel described Augustus as wearing “a black suit, narrow lapels, perfectly tailored, over a …show more content…

This reveals that she treasures her more frequent visits, from which she derived great joy despite their suffering. Therefore, their relationship blossomed from mere acquaintances to intimate lovers when they overcame their unfounded fears of hurting each other through their death. They learnt that without pain, sometimes there can be no joy. The major turning point was when Augustus asked Hazel to exchange their “favourite book”. Augustus realized that Hazel’s favourite book was incomplete towards the end and to grant Hazel’s wish of knowing the ending of the book, they flew to Amsterdam together to look for the author. The pain they went through together when Augustus revealed about his terminal illness and when the author treated them nastily, made them treasure each other more. Lastly, Augustus’ illness had caused Hazel to visit Augustus more frequently, which strengthened their relationship, drawing them closer than

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