Comparing Hamlet And The Lion King

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Hamlet and Lion King share many similarities. They each contain themes addressing complex issues. The most pressing themes are the following: power, revenge, and conflict. The themes address the deeper meaning of relationships between people.

Power was a main thing people wanted in these two movies was mainly by family members. They felt that power was everything but at the end of all of it they realized that being in charge was not good. But before all of that they later kill one of the family member so they can be a leader .
They felt that they had get revenge for there father so they decided to kill there uncle since they was the reason their father was dead. Then once that happen they can become a leader instead of uncle so they had …show more content…

In The Lion King , a cub named Simba, whose naiveté procures him more than his fair share of hardships and troubles, plays the role of the young prince whose father is …show more content…

Interpretations of Prince Simba's actions are as profound as Prince Hamlet's, particularly of why Prince Hamlet delayed in exacting vengeance for his father's death (Harrison 236). Both Prince Simba and Hamlet Jr. "delay" their action of retribution for their respective father's deaths. The loss of their paternal companion leaves Prince Hamlet incredibly melancholy, and Prince Simba without a royal teacher and father during his tender years. Each of them runs from their responsibility, although inside themselves they know what must be done: Prince Hamlet attempts to validate his suspicions while Prince Simba hides from his past. However, some have Both Hamlet and The Lion King share the timeless themes of revenge and avarice. One may see the similarities between the characterizations of characters in Hamlet versus the characterizations of characters in The Lion King ; however, to see the rendition of the work Hamlet: Prince of Denmark in the movie The Lion King , one must analyze the actions of the main characters and secondary characters in scenes throughout the

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