Comparing Emerson, Whitman And Thoreau's Cosmic Humanism

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Cosmic Humanism is different than most worldviews; it isn’t atheistic or theistic. Their roots are in romantic poets of the 1800’s such as Emerson, Whitman and Thoreau who rejected the God of the Bible. They believe that everything is God and God is everything; a pantheistic worldview. The Bible is viewed on the same level as the Qur’an and Confucius. We are God and must come to the realization that we are to reach our full potential of godhood. We must be cognizant of past life to understand our path to godhood. They believe that God is a force, not a person and that anything discovered by the inner self is God’s truth. At one point in time everyone will achieve godhood whether they realize it or not. Truth is relative to ourselves and only …show more content…

They believe in punctuated evolution, socialism, atheism and a socially constructed self. Deconstructionism is a main concept of their worldview. It states that the death of God mandates that there be no ultimate reality or eternal truth. That words and sentences have no inherent or overarching meaning and that reality is constructed by humans through their use of language. The interpretation of words is shaped by cultural experiences and can be interpreted different from each reader and every text is open to the reader’s interpretation and is filled with hidden biases and assumptions. They believe in anti-realism, which mean there is no real world just billions of constructions of the real world. Postmodernists mostly believe in neo-Darwinism. They gravitate towards evolution because they believe change is the primary catalyst of evolution and they deny that humans are the necessary aim of evolution. They say that humans were not the sole purpose of the universe, that we were an accident and just happened to take control of most of the world. Their view of ethics is cultural relativism which means your morals and truth are dependent on your society and how you were raised. The entire world is not held to the same standards since we haven’t all been raised the same way. Also religious pluralism is accepted. Religious pluralism is the belief that one must b tolerant of all religious beliefs because no one religion can be true, since every society is different. In the 1960’s and 1970’s the Death of God theology came about, which promotes the idea that religion did not need to invoke “God” in the area of theology. (Noebel

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