Comparing Curiosity In The Alchemist And Oedipus The King

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If there is something that can be said about all and every human being, it’s that they always want to know something. They might not all have the same interests, but even so, they are alway thinking to themselves “why this? why that? how does this work? when is this happening?”. It is therefore the reason why we ask questions. This envy of knowledge, or in other words, this “curiosity” is the stimulus that drives people to go onto quests, and sometimes great adventures. The preceding hypothesis can be explored in Paulo Cohelo’s The Alchemist, and also Sophocles’ Oedipus the King. The thesis will be exploited by primarily talking about what curiosity is, then secondly, it’s ubiquitousness in The Alchemist and Oedipus the king, and finally, by …show more content…

Curious, from latin “cūriōsus” meaning careful, is an adjective defined as: eager to learn or know; inquisitive. It describes someone who is eager to find out answers and to explore and learn. Curiosity, from latin “cūriōsitās” meaning desire of knowledge, is a noun defined as: the desire to learn or know about anything; inquisitiveness. According to David Beswick, who is a graduate from the university of melbourne, curiosity is commonly regarded as the prime example of intrinsic motivation, which refers to behavior that is driven by internal rewards. Curiosity has, in the past, alluded to our most common meaning of desire, what we need, wish, want, or inclination to know or learn, but also onto the application of care or careful attention to any object in general, a learning task, or, a craft. While curiosity is a state commonly experience by all people, there are some events which arouse curiosity in mostly everyone. A simple example is the “Big Bang Theory,” which explains how the universe began. This speculation brought up question to people, who were not in the slightest way interested in science, due to the fact that it also ties into a religious claim: “God created the world out of nothing.” This led to many people in search of wether what was claimed in the religious writings, is true. Researchers had excavations in order to find information about this topic, and the religious people were also looking for explanations. Curiosity is also a trait which is more typical of some people that others. For instance a magician with the tricks he performs. Spectators tend to ask themselves “How did he do that?” Most of the time someone asks a question, or wants to get information about something, it is an expression of curiosity because if there was no envy of knowledge, there would most likely be no questions asked, unless the individual already had all the information he needed. Another possible reasons for asking question

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