Comparing Christian And Non Christian Psychology

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The curiosity of understanding man itself drives people diving into a science called psychology. Besides finding the mystery of soul and mind, the crucial defect of currently prevailing psychology is the absence of recognition of the supernatural aspect—God. Diverse between Christian psychology and non-Christian psychology reflects on three aspects which are the cause of guilt and mental illness, the view of suffering and social illnesses, and the solution for mental problems.
Christians believe that human possess both physical body and invisible spirit. For instance, memory does not connect to physical nerve cells. Based on “unity of identity”, though molecules and cells changes, consciousness would not change with them. In addition, free will cannot be explained from atheistic aspects. Only Christian psychology provides solid foundation and reason for these questions. According to Christian psychology, mental illness caused by sin instead of organic molecules’ disorder. Human decays since disobeying God and enduring the Fall, so they would aware of their guilt before the holy God. On the contrast, non-Christian psychology views guilt is caused by the judging from society. …show more content…

Christians think individuals causes social problems because their innately inherited sin distorts the society. However, Marxists and Humanists think society is evil and it corrupts human beings. Christians believe the story of society will be read by God and judge will come, but non-Christians do not believe their story or records will be read by some One. On the topic of suffering, Christians think it has meaning and is blessed, beneficial. Non-Christians think it is meaningless and should be

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