Comparing Beowulf And The Pardoner's Tale

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Everything has a meaning and a lesson behind it so of course the literature and the old English stories has a wise and meaningful lessons behind them to be taught. For example,
Beowulf teach the readers how to be brave, loyal, and strong while the pardoner from the canterbury tale teach the readers do not be gready. Also the wife of bath tale teach the reader how to respect women and how to treat them and how to be a gentleman and be thankful for what the one have.
Beowulf is a figure for the people of his era to teach their sons how to live their lives being brave, loyal and strong. “...Would sail across the sea to Hrothgar, Now when help was needed.” (Line 115-116 page 42) These lines shows that Beowulf is so brave that he went to another country to help it’s citizens when they needed help. …show more content…

I mean to have money, wool and cheese and wheat though it were given me by the poorest lad or poorest village widow, though she has a string starving children…” ( Line 44-47, Page 168) . The pardone here tell the reader how greedy he and how he does not care where his money or food come from all he care about is that he has money and food. Yet after what the pardoner say that he teacher his audience and the reader not to greedy. “ Why make a sermon of it? why waste breath? exactly in the way they’d planned his death they fell on him and slew him, two to one… He took a bottle full of poison up and drank; and his companion, nothing loth, drank from it also, and they perished both.” (Line 280-289, Page 175). The Pardoner’s tale is teaching the readers about not being greedy by telling a story about what money and greediness can do when it comes between people, they can kill each other for it. Like the three men who were planning on kill the youngest of them so they can have the money divided on the both of the only, while the youngest man was getting poison to kill the two of them so he can have all they money for

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