Comparing Beowulf And Modern Day Heroes

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What’s the Difference? Heroes are people who inspire and teach other people to pursue an appropriate path. There are more heroes on Earth than the number to count them with. Heroes have existed since the beginning of time and still continue to exist. There are ancient heroes such as Beowulf and modern day heroes like Barack Obama. Beowulf was a fictional hero from the many centuries ago. Beowulf slayed multiple monsters in order to help the people survive. There are numerous traits that Beowulf and today’s heroes share, a few of them are their bravery, their inspiration on others, and the impact they cause on people’s lives. Even though there are several traits common among Beowulf and modern day heroes, they are extremely diverse in other ways. Some of the diversity between them are the enemies they fight, how to be a hero, and the way they aid other people. …show more content…

They assist people because they wish comfort for them. In Beowulf lines 86-88 states “…stopped the monster’s flight, fastened those claws in his fists till they cracked, clutched Grendel closer.” Beowulf’s actions being described justifies that he fought the monster and was incredibly brave. However, today’s heroes do not fight monsters, they fight inequality. For instance, a female Pakistani teenager by the Malala Yousafzai is fighting for education for girls in her country. In her country sending a girl to a school is considered a waste of money. She stood up against this inequality and decided to give girls a voice. She has been called a hero because she fought for equality even when she was attacked by terrorists. She didn’t stop fighting even when she was threatened. She became a hero because of her bravery similar to

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