Compare And Contrast Zero Hour Alien Invasion

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When you think of an alien invasion, you might get the thought of slimy green aliens that speak weirdly and want to destroy us. This is usually how most movies, books and other media depict it. The graphic adaptation of “Zero Hour” by Ray Bradbury, and an excerpt from The War Of The World's, both about alien invasions and we found that they had some similarities and differences on how life on Earth would occur during an alien invasion. Both authors portray life on Earth during an alien invasion as unexpected and hectic. However, in Ray Bradbury’s “Zero Hour”, he showed that aliens would manipulate children and take the humans by shock. On the other hand, H.G Wells’ The War of the World's conveys it as a war against the aliens and the humans, …show more content…

“Zero Hour” shows how aliens take the humans by surprise by using the children for their own benefit. The main character, Mink, tells her mom about how the aliens wanted to use children because they believe in aliens, Mink says “Until, one day, they thought of children and they thought of how grown ups are so busy, they never look.” (pg 251, Bradbury). But the mom believes it is just a silly game since they are just kids. When Mink’s mom is talking to Helen; who is in another state and her kids are also playing the same game, and other kids nationwide are also, she becomes suspicious. They all talk about a guy named Drill, and in the story we hear Mink saying that Drill is a martian. This is saying how this martian Drill is trying to “make a good fight” (pg 250, Bradbury) and he is going to do this by manipulating the children and taking the Earth by …show more content…

In both stories, the humans did not expect an Alien invasion and seemed to be at a state of panic to protect themselves from getting hurt. In both stories, the aliens seem to be harmful towards the humans as well. In The War of the Worlds, the Martians appear out of the blue, “Everyone stood arrested by the sudden stir of battle, near us” (pg 267, Wells). In the quiet and restful town, no one expects or sees a battle coming, and, therefore, this makes it a surprise. A similar event happens in “Zero Hour” when they hear a buzzing sound coming from outside they grew skeptical and out of nowhere “The explosion!” and “There were other explosions in other yards and other streets” (pg 257, Bradbury). So all at once, the invasion starts and people are startled because they did not expect that. In both, the Martians or aliens are intentionally hurting the people. Mink in “Zero Hour”, mentions how Drill the alien wants to “figure a way to attack” (pg 250, Bradbury). In The War of the Worlds, the aliens also are fighting and attacking, the “Heat- Ray hit the water, the latter had immediately flashed into steam”, the aliens are even using heat rays to attack, and scare the

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