Compare And Contrast Young Goodman Brown And Bartleby The Scrivener

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In the short stories “Young Goodman Brown” by Nathaniel Hawthorne and “Bartleby, the Scrivener” by Herman Merville, both authors used significant events throughout stories to characterize both protagonists of their respective stories. Goodman Brown in “Young Goodman Brown” and The Narrator in “Bartleby, the Scrivener,” both characters experience many hardships, conflicts, and situations that would create a parallel between both characters. The characterization of Goodman Brown and the Narrator are Developed through conflicted scenarios that both characters witness, furthermore both characters faith and humanity are tested by people who surround them throughout the story. Both Goodman Brown and the Narrator characterization were develop
In the short story “Young Goodman …show more content…

The narrator along with his employees witnesses a mysterious man named Bartleby. At first the narrator believes this man does incredible job in his work that the narrator assigns, however the narrator attitude changes when he notices Bartleby is becoming rebellious and “would prefer not to” do any of the task ask from his (Melville). This continuous until the narrator finally became frustrated and fatigue of trying to terminate and remove him from the premises. This becomes such obstacle to get over, the narrator after several failed attempts of attempting to remove Bartleby that he decides to relocate his office to a new building in Wall Street. At first, it was work in progress, but this simple solution wasn’t enough to stray from Bartleby. The narrator feels compelled to nurture and care for Bartleby on the realization that he was alone and lost. Among these realizations the narrator characterization was align with the character of Bartleby. Bartleby made up who the narrator ultimately what he was going to

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